Ask the Lawyer

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) is a non-profit site that was founded in 1969 to provide legal,educational, and advocacy support to low-income artists and arts organizations. In 2010, VLA launched to archive and present basic and pertinent legal information to arts and legal professionals.Organized in four sections—Topics, Glossary, Resources, and Contact—the site is controlled and operated from the United States and may not be appropriate or available for use in any particular jurisdiction other than the United States. When accessing the site users are cautioned that while information concerns legal issues, it is not legal advice, nor does it constitute an attorney-client relationship.Topics includes information about copyright and trademark along with contracts and first amendment issues. The Glossary offers definitions of legal terms used. Resources contains links for contracts, copyright, trademarks, for-profit and nonprofit corporations throughout the U.S. The Contact page lists the address and phone numbers for VLA.Source:


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