Celebrating Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a celebration that honors our mothers and the influence of mothers in society. It's usually celebrated with flowers and gifts. The truth is the horrors and atrocities that exist in our world and flies in the face of these rituals."Women's Rights are Human Rights: International Posters on Gender-based Inequality, Violence, and Discrimination,” is an exhibit organized and curated by Elizabeth Resnick, professor of graphic design at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. The 84 posters presented challenge viewers to acknowledge the challenges women face around the world.The exhibit opened at Mass Art last Fall and is traveling internationally with events already hosted in Taipei, Seoul, Greece, and Mexico. The posters are currently installed in the B2 Gallery of the Warsaw Poster Museum.The unframed exhibition is available to travel internationally for a small rental fee. Please contact Elizabeth Resnick (Elizabeth.Resnick@massart.edu) if you are interested.This year as we celebrate Mother's Day, let's give some thought to how mothers throughout the world are treated and consider ways to help.Sources:http://posterpage.ch/exhib/ex350wom/ex350wom.htmhttps://news.northeastern.edu/2017/03/new-poster-exhibit-reinforces-that-womens-rights-are-human-rights/http://www.graphicart-news.com/womens-rights-are-human-rights/#.WRBCBFPyvBVhttp://www.printmag.com/daily-heller/womens-rights-posters/http://eyemagazine.com/blog/post/human-rights-by-any-other-name


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