Christmas and holiday season green tips

Every year I stress over holiday gift wrap. Usually I end up running short on time and cave into tradition—buying some and vowing that next year I am going to give up it up for good. After all, how ethical can it be to use toxic materials that can't even be used to fuel the fire? I decided to try and find out by asking the question "How much wrapping paper is wasted each year?" The answer I received according to the Clean Air Council says the United States alone wastes 4 million tons worth of shopping bags and wrapping paper contributing to the extra 5 million tons of extra waste that the U.S. throws away during the holiday seasonThis year I'm seriously trying to change. I'll see what kind of response I get from the recipients. I suspect they really won't care as long as the goods under the paper live up to their expectations.Don't cave into tradition for the holidays, hold the line on staying green. Read the many ways how you can green your holiday with Earth Friendly Holiday Season Tips.


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Greenwashing with totes