Incorporating Earth Day into our every day practice

26409855006_2987f9ae32_oHappy Earth Day 2016! As scientists offer dire predictions of doom due to global warming, it’s inspiring to see how some global citizens are making changes.Whether it’s incorporating projects to raise awareness and inform into the classroom or applauding companies who are adopting green practices, there are a multitude of things we can do.Ikea has been accused of planned obsolescence in creating products; they've made a step in the right direction in their plans to use packaging made from mushrooms that will decompose in weeks.Tátil Design has made strides in bringing environmentally friendly designs and designs inspired by nature to Brazil. Creative director and founder Fred Gelli brought his background in biomimicry to the firm and has established a practice focused on sustainable design.Photographer Michael Ciaglo photographed the devastating side effects of recycling e-waste and the injuries like burns, lung problems, and other debilitating physical injuries that result.Whether you photograph it, make art out of it, create projects out of it, write about it, or talk about it—take a moment and think about how you can incorporate greener practices into your life, and, please share them here!


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