Is everything a remix?

Beginning graphic design students sometimes wrestle with the issue of originality and research. I've had students say to me "nothing is original, it's all been done before."

Beginning graphic design students often wrestle with the idea of originality. They argue that "nothing is original, it's all been done before." They will resist doing research because they claim that they don't want to "steal" someone else's idea. The concept of research and re-purposing ideas are not always easy ones for them to wrap their heads around.Emulation (aka copying) is a vital part of learning and developing our creative skills according to New York-based filmmaker Kirby Ferguson. He says, "Nobody starts out original." History shows us that a long line of inventors, artists, designers like Thomas Edison and Apple Computer follow what Ferguson feels is the formula for creativity: copy, transform, combine. This video does a great job of putting it in perspective.Source: do you think the line falls between emulation and innovation?

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