TypeTogether features the guide

Designed by Veronika Burian of TypeTogether, the typefaces Karmina and Karmina Sans were used throughout the handbook Ethics: A Graphic Designer's Field Guide. You can see more of these beautiful fonts in use on type-together.com.In 2009 I interviewed Burian for a Type Design course that I was taking at SCAD. She was kind enough to share her process, some of her original sketches, and her thoughts about copyright laws. Burian told me that it is very difficult to protect type designs. Anyone can easily make a derivative design of a font with a few changes. Pirates are also a problem with computer hackers and designers freely distributing fonts to their peers, especially when they are used for commercial purposes.Type design is a finely honed skill that takes years to develop. Using a font without the proper license prevents type designers from being fully compensated for their work. Read about how you can comply with font licensing standards.

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