HOPE—inspired by the past, needed more than ever

HOPE is a large-scale typographic installation installed in Durham, England to commemorate and honor the centenary of WWI. The installation evokes powerful emotions by sharing memories from local men and women about their experiences with war and conflict.This past March, Oxfam invited Yemeni artists from all over the country to submit work that shows how the current war is affecting women and girls. The work is powerful and illustrates the human impact of the past three years of this US supported Saudi Arabian military offensive in Yemen which has caused death, starvation, and the largest cholera crisis on record.Recently, NY Times photographer Tyler Hick's image of seven-year-old Amal Hussein brought attention once again to the horrible plight of Yemeni civilians and the toll this war is taking.As graphic designers, we have the power to engage people through their senses—evoking hope, empathy, and hopefully action. Let's hope that their emotions are evoked enough now to create change, rather 100 years from now.Sources:https://www.dexigner.com/news/31650https://www.a-n.co.uk/events/hope-installation/https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/stories/yemen-art-gallery/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/podcasts/the-daily/yemen-saudi-arabia-amal-hussain-photo.html


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