Making Magic using Cruelty-Free Practices

While 3D immersive VR experiences have been growing in popularity and are being used for a variety of entertainment purposes, Circus Roncalli has used the technology to be socially responsible and has created a magical and cruelty-free circus.The circus, which has been entertaining crowds since 1976, decided to swap out their animals for holograms to aid in fighting animal cruelty. Their fantastic creation has maintained the same level of excellence and excitement that they are known for. Using 3D holographic imagery and projectors, they have filled an arena with a 360° view.The change was a bold move that was spearheaded by Bernhard Paul, the Founder and Director of Circus-Theater Roncalli. In an interview with Paul, he states that the move was due to several factors; improvements in holography, the increase of congested highways for transporting animals and lack of green space for them, and an audience that was open and receptive to the idea. Paul says the audience is the biggest factor, and since they've made the change they have had 95% positive feedback.It's exciting to see designers using VR technology in a way that is socially responsible and advocates for cruelty-free practices. Here's a glimpse of the amazing holographic experience:Sources:


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