The Ad Council gets their moonshot moment

The Ad Council has a 78 year history of partnering with the best advertising minds in the country to create marketing for complex social issues. They have already been working on what some think will be their biggest one yet, their "moonshot moment."They have launched a series of national PSAs and multi-channel content to provide critical and urgent messages to the American public. The campaign site features a Coronavirus Response Toolkit with access to materials to support and help spread the word about three key issues: Mask Up, Mental Health, and Social Distancing.Like campaigns in the past that enlisted the help of celebrities like Elvis Presley to spread the message about the safety of getting the Polio vaccine, they have enlisted the help of contemporary celebrities and influencers to launch on a variety of digital platforms like the twitter campaign seen below. They are also well aware of the Black men and women who are being disproportionately affected by the pandemic who are three times more likely to contract the virus, and five times more likely to land in the hospital. They have launched a campaign called "The Power of Us" to specifically illustrate COVID-19 safety guideline to Black Americans.In January, they will be launching a $50 Million campaign to educate the public on the new vaccine, the largest public initiative in its history. They have the help of infectious disease and public health experts from John Hopkins University, Duke University and more.They have a tough challenge ahead of them with a survey done by COVID Collaborative indicating that only one-third of Americans plan to get vaccinated. The Ad Council's goal is to reverse this trend with unified and consistent messaging. In a world with a multitude of media platforms and channels, it will indeed be their moonshot moment.Sources:


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